Development Setup

Getting started with Git, VSCode and Hosting


download git

download VSCode

download Github Desktop

Be ready with Netlify signin

add VS code Plugins:

I have to add:

  • TODO Highlight

  • GitLens -Giit Supercharged

  • REST Client

  • Bracket Pair Colorizer

    It will come by default with VS code 2022 . Plugin is deprecated.

I have used previously:

  • Code Runner by jun han

  • Live Serverv5.7.9 Ritwick Dey

  • Live Share by Micrososft

  • Community material Theme by Equinusocio

  • HTML CSS Support by CSS Intellisense for HTML

  • Snipped by Jefferson Licet

  • Prettier Code Formatter by Prettier

  • Material Theme Icons by Equinusocio

  • Material Theme by Equinusocio

  • Doxygen Document Generator by Christopher Schlosser.

ex02: intialise a git repo


  • Using github desktop initialize a git repo.

ex03: create a file in the repo


  • Open this repo in Visual Studio Code

  • Create a file index.html.

  • See the changes


  • green is added

  • red is removed

  • + is file added

ex04: commit your first changes


  • Add a commit message

  • Commit to the main branch.


  • commit

  • main

(2,3,4 ex below)

ex05 : understanding commit messages


  • Writing good commit message is a skill. Let's understand this.
feat - a new feature
fix - a bug fix
docs - changes in documentation
style - everything related to styling
refactor - code changes that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature
test - everything related to testing
chore - updating build tasks, package manager configs, etc

Use this to start the message. Like if we added a test for a function that checks leap year, we start with test. Then in short describe the work we did

test: add unit test for leapYearCheck()


We don't do it right all the time. But it's good to put some thought into commit messages. Look into commit messages of open source work on Github to get some inspiration.

But don't get overwhelmed with this.

live exercise: write a good commit message


Q. What would you put as a commit message if:

  1. You added some details to the file?

  2. Your CLI app was taking "potato" as an input for leap year test?

  3. You started using CHALK library in your CLI app?

  4. You added level based game play in your CLI app?

  5. You renamed your variables from var a to var questions?

m1 docs: update

m2 fix: validating an input for leap year

m3 style: started Using CHALK library

m4 feat: added level based game play

m5 refactor: changed variable name

exercise 06: publish to github


  • publish your repository to Github

  • go to and see your repository


  • we use Github to host and save the code in a centralized location

  • there are other tools like Github: Azure DevOps, BitBucket, Gitlab etc.

  • major use is for collaboration. Apart from personal projects, people generally work in a team.

live exercise: add readme and commit


  • create a file

  • add details of your project on the file. Say, that this is your personal portfolio in making. Some details about you.

  • commit the changes (let's see what commit message you're going to use)

  • push the changes to Github

  • go to Github and see your changes now



By now you know how to

  • why git

  • create a repo

  • publish repo

  • make commits

  • write good commit messages

  • push commits to server

  • some markdown for documentation


ex01: Explain how the Internet works


Can you tell what happens when you type in the address bar and press enter?

Record a small video for yourself explaining this.


  • domain name

  • server (files served)

  • hosting

  • client

ex02: setup netlify to show your website


  • Sign up to netlify using your Github login.

  • Select new site from the repository

  • Select your Github repository


  • there are other providers like Netlify: Azure, AWS, Heroku etc. and you can explore them.

  • everytime you change something on the website it will be published automatically

ex03: check deploy


  • explore the deploy section of Netlify


  • this section shows all the deployments done with history

ex04: change the domain name


  • the domain name provided is random, change it to your name

  • use this to access your web app and share it with your friends

    upto ex4 (check below)

live test: local to the website


  • do a change in your VSCode, and add some text to your index.html file. Anything which makes some sense, like, I work at Microsoft or I study at MIT, Manipal.

  • commit

  • push

  • go to Github and check if you can see the change in index.html on

  • go to Netlify and check if your changes are deployed. Look for the timestamp.

  • finally, go to your website and check if new changes are there.

live test: update the URL on Github


  • github has a place where you can put the URL of your website. add it there.


ex01: take a tour of vscode


  • know where file explorer is

  • checkout search section

  • extensions

  • source control

  • settings (Ctrl + ,)

  • shortcut

ex02: try some shortcuts


Let's see if you can do these things. Look once and then try yourself.

  • show/hide terminal --Ctrl + `

  • show/hide sidebar

  • open file -- Ctrl B

  • command pallete ---Ctrl P

  • jump to line number --jumping on 11 number :11

  • jump to symbol --@

  • toggle wrap --alt Z for wrappin in small screen all lines

Note: You don't need to know everything. But I suggest trying to use shortcuts as much as possible, it saves a ton of time.

I want to use shortcut on where i can select on cursor and edit word.

Please share in comment if you already know


ex01: knowing how a dev in a team works?

  • you see what happens when you push the changes to the server when Netlify is connected: it goes live

  • so, how would you save your unfinished work? keep it on the laptop? no!!

  • a developer in any team creates her branch for new work

  • she does all the work in that branch and pushes that branch

  • when work is done, she raises a PR (Pull Request) which is approved by other team members, and then it goes to the master.

  • it's a good practice to follow even when you're working as a single person. this keeps your main free for hotfixes.


Try visualizing yourself working in a team of developers. Everyone working on different features, and different branches, but all go into the same website. :)

ex02: create a branch


  • create a new branch

  • name it yourname/project-details

  • verify that you're in new branch


  • branch is a separate route, think of it as taking a diversion from main road, getting petrol while you're on a long road trip.

  • then you go back to the main road with petrol in your car

  • getting petrol is a feature which you implemented :)

ex03: do changes in this branch


  • edit the index.html file. Add details about the projects you have made.

  • commit your changes. notice that changes are committed in new branch.

  • push. it will be pushed to this new branch

  • go to github and check if your file has changed

  • go to netlify and check if there's a new deploy

  • go to website and check if the new text is up

  • now explore the branch section on github and see your changes in that branch


  • pushing changes to a branch does not publish it to Netlify

  • this way, you can keep your work in progress safe on github

    uptoex3 below:

ex04: open a PR



  • PR review, important when you're working in a team

ex05: merge PR


  • merge the PR which you just made

  • now, check your changes on

  1. main branch

  2. deploy in Netlify

  3. update on website

ex06: going back to main


  • now your changes are part of main

  • go back to main and pull the changes


  • this might look weird when doing alone

  • think you're working in five member team, to make sure that TeamMate03 receives changes of TeamMate02 and TeamMate01, she should pull master often.

  • an important practice when you're working in industry

Note about jobChallenge: Feedback I got from hiring partners was that students didn't know how things work in indsutry wrt git. Trying to cover some parts of it in this video.

live exercise: do the entire thing


  • make sure you're in main

  • create a branch, make changes to index.html file. Add details of your favorite book/movie etc.

  • push the new branch to Github.

  • create a PR, fill details.

  • merge PR and see your changes reflect.


We have made two projects in lecture One.

  1. How well do your friends know you? Quiz which we made live.

  2. Fandom Quiz. The assignment is to create a quiz about any topic you're interested in.

Assignment for today is that you create two repos for both the projects and push the changes. Make sure you use

  • good commit messages

  • update README with details of the project

  • update URL of the REPL in Github